Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bagpacks VS Sling bags

I know what you're thinking - what does this have anything to do with my 'business to be'? Now, any right minded person would say NOTHING! Unique minded person however would agree with me when I say "Of course it has something to do with my business to be - it suggests the best ways in which I can carry my stuff, business stuff"

Bagpacks - the good, the bad, the ugly

I personally liked using backpacks since I was young, and that's solely because my parents have always bought me backpacks instead of sling bags, and so, I grew up getting myself used to them.

There's not much wrong with using a backpack to me - except the pain it gives to both of my shoulders. That was when I decided to change to using a sling bag. Only problem was - apparently, only BOYS can wear sling bags - girls wear handbags. If you're a girl wearing a sling bag, you're a 'gangster'. What the .....? Seriously? How immature.

Sling bags - the beauty

So, I've given you the downside of using a sling bag (if you're a girl). But then again, who cares about what some idiotic boys think? We never asked for their opinions, have we?

My one and main reason for sling bags - the pain is reduced! I know, the pain goes to only one shoulder and sometimes can increase in magnitude since only one shoulder is carrying the pressure at one time. However, from my view, when one shoulder feels the pain, we can always change to the other - reducing continuous pain we'd feel on both shoulders if we were to use backpacks.

PS: When riding your bicycle, I admit backpacks would be a safer and better option since it won't impact the balance that much.

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